A moment of silence

I dedicate this post to the families of those who died in the Newtown (Connecticut, USA) massacre. Our thoughts and prayers to those affected by this senseless shooting....
image from http://www.hdwallpapers.in


Adam said…
hopefully we will be able to prevent all tragedies one day.
Vision By Mila said…
how absolutely terrible! :(
I'm so so sorry, it's horrible. They were angels, are in heaven now.
Anonymous said…
It's absolutely devastating and unfathomable. Really a terrible awful thing.
Josie said…
This is so awful, thoughts and prayers to everyone xxx
Ceciliette said…
I'm with you on this. y thoughts with them.
Allison said…
I'm glad that you posted this, Emmy! It's so heartbreaking.
momto8 said…
too tragic to understand.

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