Some Monday inspiration

Just love these two images, so I thought I'd share them with you guys...

image from
image from
...And this pic, which just makes me smile....

I hope it makes you smile a little bit too:)


Shoe Belle said…
OOoh that Olson' purse! My fave pic is the last one:*)
Elle Sees said…
Aw!! crazy questions, but does your head get cold on the sides?
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Cool shoes in all these pics. How long have you had half of your head shaved? I've been meaning to ask you since...forever, lol.
Anonymous said…
Those smiles could make anyone happy :) Thank you so much for sharing!
ilovetrends said…
Great inspiration!
Your princess is so cute :)
rooth said…
Haha, yes the last picture is pure gold
I love that last photo, such a joyful image. Thanks for making us smile. /Madison
Josie said…
I love that first picture but the last one is my favourite! xxx
Vision By Mila said…
of course it made me smile, you're cute!
Beauty Follower said…
Nice style inspo!
Your little one is soooooo cute :)
Emmylou said…
Thank you all for the lovely comments:)
PS I've had the hair for awhile, and it's not that cold:P
Funny Pets said…
I hope that bag isn't made from animals! :P
Karolina B-H said…
the coat from first picture- stunning!!

Allison said…
The Olsons never get it wrong! And you + mini Emmy= cutest thing ever! I love that photo!

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