Thar she blows!

These pics were taken just before it snowed yesterday, and boy, talk about windy! Thank goodness I had my trusty skull scarf:P
Danier jacket, old Zara sweater underneath, H&M/Dragon Tattoo Collection pants, Doc Martens, no-name scarf

Have a fab Sunday, everyone:)


Vision By Mila said…
Hello pretty lady! I like your scarf and jacket! I just figured short hair would suit you well! :D
Beauty said…
Nice color tone and that scarf is really pretty..
Those pants look sooooo comfy!
Emmylou said…
Hope you're all having a good Sunday so far, guys:) Mila, windy days like this, I just wanna shave the whole thing off. Marieken, the pants ARE comfy:D
his_girl_friday said…
You look fab and relatively warm!
Shon said…
Hey Gorgeous!! I love the haircut and all. Yes, burr is so right, cuz' baby it's cold outside!

Have a great week!
Imogen said…
Your scarf is pretty amazing. The weather here is so crazy right now. Wishing you a good week.
Sam said…
It looks like its getting quite cold there Emmy, whats the coldest winter temperatures you have? I love the combination of the perfect fitting biker and skull scarf. Hope you have a productive week ahead sweetheart!
Unknown said…
Your leather jacket is fab!! I love your casual outfits dear.keep it up
Style Of OzOz
Style Of OzOz Facebook Page
Elle Sees said…
it's 30 here, and i am freezing! i don't think i'd make it in canadian winters. i've only visited canada in warmer months, apparently
Jane said…
it snowed where you are? kinda wish we can see snow soon. and i like your pants. been looking for a pair like those~
Londyn said…
Super fun blog - loving your uniqueness! That jacket is fabulous btw :)
Awesome jacket and scarf Emmy! You always look so cool. Hey, thanks for your comments doll. It was a harrowing time for me, but I got through it. It made me stronger. You're a really good friend. I appreciate it. ((hug))
What a chic look! I love your scarf!!

New Blog Post: How to Save Money This Holiday Season
Josie said…
You have snow! :O Poor you. Those trews look amazing on you, I bet you'd look fantastic in that whole collection for H&M xxx
Love that scarf and jacket Emmy! We got just a brief touch of snow in NYC yesterday. Can't believe how cold it is now!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Anonymous said…
Winter isn't coming anymore, it's HERE! :-) I love your skull scarf, if I run into a similar one I'll definitely get it because I have been eyeing skull scarves for too long now.
Unknown said…
Love the leather jacket with those pants! Lookin' so chic yet comfy! :)

♥, Jo |
Fashion | Food | Travel
giacca carinissima (; Reb, xoxo.

*Sul mio blog c'è un nuovo post, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi:
Unknown said…
I am an Aries too doll!

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