Couldn't wait

I'm gonna be honest....I don't think the shoes went well with the getup, but I just really wanted to wear the boots. Thank God I have no shame.

Roots jacket, sweatshirt from Hot Topic, Topshop tank underneath, TNA pants from Aritzia, Topshop boots

Have you ever worn something that didn't go with anything, but wore it anyway just for the heck of it? Can I hear a yay?


Unknown said…
Lol. In this cold, no matter how good or bad they look, we all need to wear boots.
rooth said…
Heck yeah! I'm so guilty for wearing things out of the store, on more than one occasion
Jane said…
of course! yay! yay! :) i love those boots!!
Cute skulls, and your boots rock!
Shon said…
Go girl! Do your thang!!

No, I have not worn something that did not go with the other parts of the outfit, however I did wear things the next day.

Fun boots!! Enjoy!
Unknown said…
Hell yes! All the time especially in this freezing cold in Toronto.
what are you talking about Emmy!?! they do go with your outfit! AND they look cute with it. You really need to hand over that top! It is too cute girl :D
Unknown said…
this look is great, I love your shoes!
Vision By Mila said…
The blouse, me wants! The boots, same!
Anonymous said…
Hah, what a fun sweater :-)
Sam said…
ohhh these boots are just terrific. I could live in them durign winter and your printed cartoon tee is so adorable!
Always Maylee said…
Your sweatshirt is so cute and fun!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
What a fun sweatshirt. I actually think the boots do go. I def. wear things that don't go just cause I want to :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Josie said…
Haha yes I know that feeling! But I think these look like they match :D xxx
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Unknown said…
Those boots are amazing! No wonder you wanted to wear them as soon as possible. I wear stuff that doesn't really go with my outfit all the time. Often without meaning to! I think you look great x
Those boots are perfect, I love the shape and color, so pretty!
Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

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