Currently loving #15 (knitting edition)

Just wanna share my current faves that are knitting-related (because who doesn't like knitting, right?:D)

1) OKeeffe's Working Hands
Guys, I think I found my holy grail hand cream. This is just UH-MAY-ZING! It's very moisturizing, but non-greasy. My hands get really dry, not just with knitting but also doing daily stuff like washing dishes, and this has cured my hands from cracking.I also like the fact that I can knit right after putting it on.  Seriously...just try it.
(I got mine from Lee Valley)

2) Clover Knitting Counter
Much easier to use than the circular counter ones, and you can also lock it, which is a must when you have kids in the house who like fiddling with your stuff:P

3) Toe Protectors
I know they're for toes, but I use them on my pointer finger, which gets sore when I knit continuously for a long time. They stretch to any finger size (and you can cut them, too), are washable and stay on without snagging the yarn:) The one I got is just the Life brand from our local Shoppers Drug Mart.

4) Handeze Support Gloves
They help me knit longer:D

5) Knitting podcasts
There are so many of them, but these two are my fave, coz they're just awesome and entertaining.
The KnitGirllls

If you do any crafting, what are your faves? Do share.


Adam said…
I like anything you can paint (but not art) when it comes to crafts. I can't do knitting or the other ones.
Vision By Mila said…
Weeell, I don't do any crafting these days. Photos, do they count? I don't think we have that hand creme here, I did found an amazing one though, natural/organic (from brand SANTE), but it still has 2 ingredients at the end of the list that make me raise my eyebrow, after reading they are potentially irritating.
Lately, most of my crafting is done it the kitchen :-)
Emmylou said…
LOLZ...Marieken, I do mine wherever I can:D
Thanks for commenting, everyone:)
Wonderful Emmy! You've inspired me to get back to knitting once again. Will also have to check about those podcasts. xx/Madison
Imogen said…
I adore knitting. I could do it for days on end without getting bored. I wish I had the time to do more and also I run out of ideas of what to knit.
Anonymous said…
Woah, that's knitting taken to another level, with special gloves and what not, serious business! :-)
That hand cream looks very interesting! Unfortunately, I can't find it here :/
June said…
Wow, these are really neat for a knitter! Can you believe it that none of these are available in India?
Josie said…
I still want to learn to knit! My nan has all these books with little Christmas decorations and there's a book telling you how to knit a Noah's Ark thing and it's just adorable. She said she can't teach me though because I'm left handed haha xxx
Shon said…
Wow, Em you are a knitting machine! I am so happy that you found what you love and are enjoying it. I can't wait to see what you are working on.
Unknown said…
I used to be into knitting a lot. Great post.
alexis said…
Okay-- admittedly I know nothing about knitting--- BUT that hand cream sounds fantastic. WIll look out for it!

~Alexis Grace of North On Harper
Jane said…
totally checking out o'keeffe's working hands! i'm all about the moisturizing but not the greasy kind!
LV said…
I have been looking for a good hand cream, I wonder if they carry that in my neck of the woods. I sure wish I could knit. What a great talent to have.
Wow! I didn't even think about the safety things you need for knitting. Great items!
rooth said…
I really hope the hand cream works - my hands are so chapped and cracked
Beauty Follower said…
Knitting is so creative... i really want to learn!

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