Some March Break Fun 2014 (Picture Heavy)

Some things we've been up to during March Break....:)

The little one took this:D

Hope you're all having a great week so far, ladies and gents. What have you been up to?


Unknown said…
Looks like fun. From winter so summer all so fast :)
Looks like you guys had tons of fun together!
Shon said…
Ha ha, is that Grey Wolf? It looks so fun. We have one near us and have yet to go.

Take it easy and enjoy your break time.
Jane said…
soo much fun. all the smiles in these pictures are putting me in such a good mood :) the second picture is just the cutest. she's such a star! bave a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
You really have the cutest family :-)
Oh to Be a Muse said…
You guys always have a lot of fun together so that's great to see. I only wish you didn't have to deal with all that snow during your break.

I'll be going to a roller derby this weekend!
Emmy, do they get the entire month of March off or just a week or two? I think that's so awesome! The only thing US kids get is like a week for Easter, a day off here and there and then Summer break (3 mos.). Just curious to know the school schedule there. They look like they had a blast! What FUN! All I know is I want that BEAVER! Can you pack him up and ship him to me please :P Wishing you a wonderful weekend doll.
Adam said…
looks like fun
Beauty Follower said…
Nice photos!

Well this weekend the weather is very nice (17oC)
so i am going for long walk with friends.

Have fun girl :)
Imogen said…
You have the most adorable family!
rooth said…
Aww it looks like they had such a good time
Vision By Mila said…
Looks like lots of fun! I had a busy weekend with a good friend, today I started school and I'm a bit grumpy.. :D
Elle Sees said…
they always look like they're having fun! such a cute family.

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