Game Of Thrones 2014 Exhibit #GoTExhibit (Picture Heavy)

I was able to score some tickets last week to the Game Of Thrones 2014 exhibit ....yay! It was held this time at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, and they had different props and costumes to showcase (see previous year's exhibit here). One thing I really loved about this year's exhibit was the Oculus VR technology, where we got the virtual reality experience of climbing up the Wall using the elevator used by the Night's Watch. Soooooo awesome, you guys!

Here are the million pics I took:)
(Warning: Some pics may have spoilers if you haven't seen all the episodes....just saying....)

Oh Robb!! Sniff sniff

Such intricate and gorgeous costumes

Tyrion and Sansa's costumes

Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister's costumes

The Oculus
Hubby climbing up the Wall

Emilia Clarke is soooo tiny to fit into these!

I wanted the boots, y'all!

Really love Melisandre's cape

Jaime's hand:(

My fave: Margaery's's soooo beautiful!

If hubby was the king of the Seven Kingdoms, this would actually be what he'd be doing.
Me fighting my sister for the Iron Throne...
If you live in a city where this exhibit goes and you're a GoT fan, this is a must-see!!

To my fellow Canadians, just want to greet you all a Happy Victoria Day as well:)


Oh, would love to see it! I am such a fan of the series. Lucky you! x
Emmylou said…
Natalia, if it comes to your city, I highly recommend seeing it:)
This is very cool Emmy. I would love to go to something like this. Great photos, and thanks for sharing! :)
Sam said…
Hi Emmy, I didn't even know that there was an exhibition like this one, was a treat for the fans! It was great hearing your thoughts, have a splendid week ahead!
Unknown said…
wow! it looks like a great experience!!!


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Oh to Be a Muse said…
Can you feel the envy I have for you all the way over here in the states? :) Love all of these pictures!

Did you happen to catch any of the Billboard Music Awards last night? Lorde was wearing something that looked straight from the Night's Watch.
Sharon said…
Aaah this is so cool! Wish I could go!!!!
Kashaya said…
Looked like a lot of fun.=)
Hi dear! As usual, another great post! these photos look amazing.

I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog
Vision By Mila said…
I have no idea what GoT is about. I'm probably the only one on this planet.
How cool! The costumes look amazing! I haven't ever watched this how but have heard so much about it.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Emmy, you are so lucky! I'm about to start the series. The costumes are so beautiful. You looked pretty! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for blogging about it.
Josie said…
This looks amazing! I'd love to go to this, I'd really like to see the costumes up close. I want those boots too and I'm still not over Robb Josie’s Journal
Unknown said…
OMG anazing pictures
What a wonderful exhibition
Love love this show.
Great post darling.
it looks like so funny
incredible photos
new post:
Unknown said…
If you are a fan, that looks like the place to be. Thanks for sharing all of the photographs.
Imogen said…
Wow. This must be the ultimate destination for fans.
Adam said…
I really wish I had tried to watch GoT sooner. I hear it's so good
Imke said…
So cool! I reaaaaally need to start watching it, as I keep postphoning, oops.

Elle Sees said…
that is awesome! it seems better than the one you went to last year! i loved seeing the details!
Jane said…
amazing! my husband would to go here seriously :)
June said…
This looks like so much fun EM!! You're so lucky that you get to go to such cool events! I remember the walking dead thing you attended earlier! Awesome :D
Keep in touch
Coco said…
Hi sweetie, I'm not a fan but I can imagine how exciting it must have been! Have a lovely day dear!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
Unknown said…
Ones again I have to say
I totally love this show :)
New post
his_girl_friday said…
Definitely some gorgeous fashion happening there.

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