
A new shirt, in honour of one of my fave shows:D
Walking Dead shirt from Hot Topic, Habitual jeans, Birkenstocks

Daryl Dixon all the way! Do you watch the show? I know I've asked this before, but just in case you're a new reader....hehe....


Always Maylee said…
Haha oh my gosh, I love Daryl. He's my favorite on that show!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Adam said…
I still haven't watched Walking Dead
That is a great shirt! I don't watch the show b/c I can not get in to Zombie movies they just leave me board. But I am a big fan of Norman Reedus. Did you see him in The Boondock Saints? The first movie was great. And ya know he use to be a Prada model.

Allie of ALLIE NYC
Unknown said…
Hahaha cute. :)
Love this show.
Awesome post
Vision By Mila said…
True fan! I'm still on holiday, we decided to extend it to 2 weeks, but I'm returning tomorrow.. while hubby and Pickles are staying an extra 3rd week, the traitors.. and I start school.. boo!
Unknown said…
I don0t know this show but I like your look!
Chiara ~ www.chiaweb.it

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Elle Sees said…
hehe who isn't team daryl?
Sam said…
This is such a cool rock tee, i need to own one! Thanks for sharing your opinion on my last post...Hope your week is going well.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Dixon all the way for sure. If they ever decide to kill him, then you know the show has jumped the shark. He's the best.
Yeah Daryl! I can't wait for that show to come back this fall!

Rowena @ rolala loves
London Loafers said…
I've never heard of this shoe before, but I'm up for trying it out! :) Loving the sandals btw :)

i've never watched it but thats a cool shirt :D
DeVs said…
wow amazing outfit !


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