Currently loving #20

I love these two products so much it's probably bordering on obsession.

1) Soap and Glory Righteous Butter
One of my fave bloggers Kim from A Very Sweet Blog and uber-popular YouTuber Zoella have raved about some of the products from Soap And Glory. When I saw the brand in a Shoppers Drug Mart in Vancouver, I thought I'd give it a shot.! As soon as I smelled and tried the Righteous Butter, I was hooked. Great texture, and the smell.....aaaaaaah...I just wanna bathe in it!
I stocked up when I saw that the Shoppers close to me had a whole bunch.:D

2) Vichy LiftActiv Serum 10
I rarely rave about anti-aging products just because it's so hard to tell whether they really do work or not. This Vichy serum, however, is an exception. I love love love how this feels on the skin, and guys, I actually saw an improvement on my skin! A few of my spots have disappeared, and my skin actually feels plump (I don't know how else to explain it.) I put this on before moisturizer.

And last, but not the least....

I completed the Association's Basics Basics Basics course in the summer, and have now enrolled in the first level of the Master Hand Knitter program (there are 3 levels), and am so excited. Reading the material, it is a bit daunting. A lot of research involved aside from doing swatches, but I love learning about knitting as much as I love knitting:) The plan is to finish Level 1 in a year. Fingers crossed, guys....
(The awesome thing about the program is that there's no time limit!)

What are your current loves?


Elle Sees said…
i hauled that lotion a few months ago--loveeee it.
and CONGRATS to you!!! That is AWESOME!
Unknown said…
I never saw the first product in Italy... I believe Soap And Glory products are not sold here :(((

Chiara ~
follow me on Instagram
Unknown said…
Been hearing about this brand for some time and that butter always comes up. Thanks for sharing so curious to try!
I really need to get my hands on that Righteous Butter!

Rowena @ rolala loves
I have not used that particular lotion. Congratulations witht the hand knitting programme. xx/Madison
Jane said…
butter sounds amazing!
Emmy, you stocked up girl! I'm so glad you found it and liked it. With Soap & Glory it's all about their scents! When you like one, you'll love the entire collection. I think they have 5 currently. I want to try that serum! I could use it. Will totally look for it. I want to thank you for the shout out Emmy. You put a smile on my face :) You sincerely like my blog and it always shows. I consider you my friend ((hug))
Also congratulations on reaching the next level in your knitting program! You can do it!!! Keep it up girl!
Unknown said…
great products!
have a nice week end!
Imke said…
That butter sounds wonderful!

Coco said…
I remember Kim talking about the Righteous shower gel, about how it smelled deliciously clean! I'd love to try that butter!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook / International Giveaway
The knitting guild association? That one's new to me. Sounds neat!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my, that body butter looks delish! Smart move getting some backups! :-)
Vision By Mila said…
I'm willing to try the Vichy serum after I finish what I have now, but only if it's not sticky on the face and absorbs quickly.. what do you think?
rooth said…
I've got to see where to get the body butter in Texas - your recommendations are always so spot on

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