Indian summer

Mother Nature is too funny. It's fall, so of course, it's now nice and warm and sunny...I'm not complaining:D
Gap tank top, H&M pants, Converse sneakers

If you follow me on Instagram, you know this already. My little one had an accident in the school yard. Hopefully, the cast comes out later this week. (Look. She still likes to pose:D)


rooth said…
Poor sweet pea - I love that she's still all smiles though. What a trooper!
Unknown said…
nice photos!
Have a great week!
Josie said…
It's so strange how warm it is still! Poor bubs, hope she heals up soon...glad she's still smiling though! x

Josie’s Journal
We're having a spot of warm weather in NYC now as well. Hope your little one heals quickly. The cast doesn't seem to have dampened her sweet spirit at all :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Jane said…
oh no! hopefully the cast comes off soon! sending healing thoughts!
I hope she heals soon Emmy! So cute! Lovin ya hair and outfit girl! Lookin good!
Anonymous said…
Mother Nature is just a bit confused ;-) Let her be, I don't mind either. And aw, look at your poor little one with the sling :-(
Elle Sees said…
she;s not letting that cast keep her down i see! too cute. and yay for warmer weather!
Always Maylee said…
I'm loving your hair! And poor little girl, but she still has a big smile on her face!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Unknown said…
You look lovely.
I hope you little has a speedy recovery.
Unknown said…
I love that's it's hot ! Lovely shirt btw
his_girl_friday said…
It still gets in the 80s here. I'm over it!
Miu said…
Oh no! I hope she isn't feeling too much pain?

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