Night's Watch

This hoodie was one of the purchases at Fan Expo this year....I may have been too excited to get it...
Game of Thrones hoodie, Forever 21 shirt, leggings from Aritzia, Converse sneakers
 It has the Night's Watch oath, you guys!

Can I hear an amen if you're a GoT fan? :D


Elle Sees said…
amennnn! i was at the halloween store and saw all of the got outfits--thought of you!
That is one cool hoodei! I've never watched GoT.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Imke said…
Looks great on you! I've never watched but I really want to!

ilovetrends said…
I'm not a GoT fan, but I'm pretty sure I would say amen if I was!
So glad you got it Emmy! Looks great on you doll!
Laura. said…
You look fab!
Great that you got it Emmy. I like your hoodie. I really loved Game of Thrones, too. xx/Madison
Fashionary: Visual Style Tokens
Unknown said…
you look great, your sweater is so cool!
Ann said…
That is one cool hoodie.
Anonymous said…
Amen! *throws hands up in the air*
Anonymous said…
What a lovely post with lovely smiles and I love the night oath. Amen.

Beauty Follower said…
Aaaa i want thoody too!!!!
Big fun of GOT series :)
Adam said…
I'll be starting season 1 soon
rooth said…
You two... so adorable
Coco said…
I love that hoodie Emmy. Actually I love your daughter's tee too :-)
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
his_girl_friday said…
I just started watching it, and I'm hooked!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Oh I love it, Jon Snow! :)
Vision By Mila said…
Yes, me likes the hoodie!
Beauty said…
Very cute and stylish outfit; I love the selfie pic with your little girl too.

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