Plain Jane

Plain shirt, jeans and runners....another basic outfit, y'all, but you can't really go wrong with comfortable clothes, right?
shirt from West 49, Mossimo jeans from Target, Adidas sneakers

Happy Friday, everyone! Any plans?


Elle Sees said…
happy friday!!! and happy WEEKEND! No plans but getting better and caught up on emails!
rooth said…
Yep, nothing like being basic. No weekend plans - maybe sleep and read. It's really the best way to tackle the weekend
Josie said…
I love outfits like this! You're definitely not a plain Jane with hair like that too x

Josie’s Journal
June said…
Your outfit might be plain but your hair and trainers totally make up for it :)
Jane said…
Tis a great outfit! You can still look good while being comfy! More yard word for us this weekend ;)
I agree you can't go wrong with comfortable clothes and cool kicks :) Happy weekend Emmy!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Unknown said…
I love this white outfit!!!
have a nice weekend :)
Chiara ~
follow me on Instagram
Beauty Follower said…
Cool sneakers!
Have a wonderful day :)
debra mejia said…
Comfy clothes and shoes always seem to give me more energy. Another garage sale for me this weekend. On a mission to clear out that garage! A never ending mission it seems:(
Unknown said…
Lookin' so rad!! Love those sneaks!! You look ravishing!! =)

Fashion | Travel | Food
Jo from
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Love the subtle print of your pants. Have a great weekend!
I love your adidas
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Anonymous said…
Casual? Yes. Comfy? Yes. Plain? Never!

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