Halloween 2014 (Picture-Heavy)

It was another great Halloween this year, despite the cold and rain:) Here are some pics taken. Enjoy:D

For those curious, my eldest's son costume is inspired by the anime TV series Attack On Titans.


My Sherlock Holmes interpretation:D
Because I'm a nerd, I even did one buttonhole red like Benedict Cumberbatch's coat.

Trick or treat!

One of our neighbours always do an awesome job every year decorating.

How was your Halloween?


Adam said…
cool pictures of your Halloween
Those last pictures look both scary and fun!
Beauty Follower said…
Wow cool, hope you had great fun!

We don't celebrate Halloween in Greece.
June said…
They look so Adorable! Love the looks Em! You sure had a fun halloween :)
Keep in touch
Awww looks like they are having so much fun!
Anonymous said…
You guys look like you had so much fun :-D I'm loving the Ash costume, hee hee.
Looks like a fun Halloween :)
This looks like you enjoyed yourself Emmy. How cute are these photos. The children dressed up are adorable. -Madison
Autumn Layers
Hooray Halloween!! I can't wait until my kiddos are old enough for trick or treating! Your little Jesse cowgirl is ADORABLE!
Jane said…
great costumes all around!!
Thanks for sharing all this Halloween goodness! Glad to hear everyone had fun :)
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Great job with the decorations and costumes this year. I will definitely share my Sally costume this week!

Emmy, your kids looked fantastic! You guys racked up for Halloween! Glad you all had a great time. I love your neighbor's enthusiasm. So creative. I just got back, so I didn't have time to take a lot of photos like last year. I just put a few on instagram.
rooth said…
Well look at you all, all festive and dressed up! Well done Emmy! I hope you guys got tons of candy for your troubles
Imogen said…
Wow you all really got into it which is so amazing to see, hope you had fun.
Sarah said…
Candy and cuties!

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