Happy New Year!

Wishing all of you a fantastic 2015!
Here are my New Year's Resolutions:) Not much, but hopefully achievable....

1) Try to have a healthier lifestyle.
image from nicolerichiefashion.blogspot.com
 2) Finish Level 2 of the Master Hand Knitter program.
image from www.tkga.com

3) I have been spinning everyday, and the goal is to keep it up next year.

4) Be more "in the moment". Be more positive. Be less afraid. Be happier....because life is too short.

Do you have any goals for 2015?


Jane said…
They are wonderful goals. Here's to 2015! Happy New Year!! xx
Josie said…
Happy New Year Emmy, good luck with your resolutions! Looking forward to seeing more of your knitted creations next year :D x

Josie’s Journal
Shon said…
You can do it Em!! I have a few things up my sleeve to work on in 2015, but these are on going life goals not just for the New Year!

Love ya!
Adam said…
Happy New Year

Also Daisy just got done watching the death of Ned Stark. She didn't see it coming, but she was a bit in disbelief.

I paused it and explained how bad it would be for Cersei to have Ned die especially with Jamie in Robb's custody. Now she can't understand why Joffrey would make such a move.

Also today she said that Robb was one of her favorite characters. I couldn't help but giggle.

Happy New Year Emmy!!! You will be SPINNING and MASTER CLASSING your way all the way to the top girl. I'm supporting you 100%. You had some bumps in 2014, but what I admire is how you handled them. I did too, I just didn't share them. But we got through them all. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are creative. You're blessed with a beautiful family. I wish you the best for 2015 and beyond. Love you!
Anonymous said…
Great resolutions, Emmy, I might have to add 4 to my own list :-) Happy New Year!
Vision By Mila said…
I'll borrow 1 and 4! Happy New Year!
Beauty Follower said…
I agree 1 and 4 ... wish to improve my knitting too :)

Wishing you and your loved ones a marvellous New Year :)

Coco said…
Dear Emmy, how are you? I took a break from blogging but I'm slowly coming back :-) I hope you had a blissful Christmas with your family! I'm stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!!
Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi
Elle Sees said…
and you will accomplish them, no doubt!
Happy New Year! I'm working on being healthier, too :)
Happy New Year Emmy! I would like to be more "in the moment" as well :)
I will be more healthy in every single choice. Especially, food! Happy New Year girl!
Happy new year! Number one is on my list to, as are reading more, visiting museums more often and to say 'yes' more :-)
Imogen said…
All the best for the new year. I know you can achieve all these goals and I look forward to hearing more about your life and sweet family on your blog.
June said…
Great resolutions Em!! Happy new year
June Wants It All
Coco said…
Happy weekend Emmy!
rooth said…
Happy 2015 to you and your family!

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