Currently Loving #22

Current faves, y'all:)

1) Alterna Kendi Oil
So awesome for my dry ends

2) NYX Dream Catcher palette (Stormy Skies) and MAC The Simpsons Collection palette
These are the ones I've been using for months now. You can do anything with these two!

3) iPad mini
My Kobo Mini finally broke so hubby decided to upgrade my e-reader:D

 4) One Direction "Four" album
I alternate this with my Taylor Swift "1989" :D

What are your current faves?


Never heard of the Simpons palette, now we can all look as fabulous as Marge! I am currently loving my beanbag, blanket and laptop, cause they can make me watch lots of Bones episodes today :-)
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Josie said…
I love the look of that Simpsons palette, so cool! Who wouldn't wanna look like Marge haha x

Josie’s Journal
I think I need that NYX palette :)
Oooohh that Simpsons pallet looks awesome!!
Anonymous said…
YEAH! Woohoo! Taylor & 1D fans rule!
Elle Sees said…
i haven't played around enough with nyx palettes! love that oil!
Shon said…
These are fun faves! I love the shadows...gorgeous.

Oh,I forgot to tell you that I finally read Blood of Olympus..sigh! Now what will we do??

Have an awesome week!
I guess I should work on a faves list too.:)
I definitely want an ereader by the end of this year.
I've been wanting to try that Alterna Kendi OIl. Good to know it works. Yay on the iPad mini :)
Hena Tayeb said…
oh that oil sounds great.. i could sure use some of that.
Imke said…
ooooo One Direction <3 Nice to see you are a fan too!

June said…
Good stuff Em! The kendi oil looks great
June Wants It All
Vision By Mila said…
Love everything, but am not into 1D though.. :D
Try the Simpsons please! I want to see it!!! :)
Cool, I love it! The Simpsons's palette looks so cute. :)
Liking the new iPad! Hehehe! Currently I am obsessed with my new 2015 organiser and plotting and planning things to do and see!


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