Awrighty then....

I'm a bit tired of the cold weather so I've decided to just not dress appropriately and simply wear my usual summer/spring/fall clothes under coats:D

North Face jacket, top from mom, BDG jeans, Ugg Australia boots

Wind alert!


Beauty Follower said…
How can you wear ripped pants with that cold!!!!
It's definitely important to dress appropriate for the cold weather. You look like you comfortable and layered well for the season. Love your boots! <3
Burlap Beauties
Jane said…
Brrrr! You're brave! ;)
Adam said…
looks good

also Daisy is almost finished with season 2. She thought Tyrion was going to die when that guy hit his face with the sword.

Also she wants Robb to marry Talisa.

What could go wrong?
Love it, you show that cold who is boss!

Way to show winter who's boss! Love the striped top :)
Elle Sees said…
you are so brave going out there for a moment with no sleeves!!
I am so bored with the weather like this bc it is too cold for me >/<
Jeers to the cold right! I would like to do this but we're experiencing subzero windchills in NYC right now.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Imke said…
Haha good idea!
You look wonderful!

Unknown said…
Cute look...I love the ripped jeans!
Coco said…
Ahaha I'm going to do the same Emmy! Happy Valentines!
Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi
Anonymous said…
Brrrr, I am cold for you, Emmy, lol :-)
Beauty said…
Yay!! your hair is different again! Each time I come back to visit your blog, you always have a different look...:-). I love this new color and the whole outfit.
Have a great weekend.
RaeAbigael said…
great hair! and love that shoes! :))

xoxo, rae
Vision By Mila said…
I do the same, and sometimes I find myself in the bus station freezing! Not that I get out of the house too much nowadays, even when I take the baby out around the house I wear home clothes.
loving those boots and jeans emmy! that's a serious snow shovel!
rooth said…
I'm headed off to the snow next week and SOOO excited!
Miu said…
You are a brave woman!
I wouldn't last long in a t-shirt.
sydni said…
simple & pretty :)

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