Currently Loving #23

My latest faves, guys:)

1) Big Hero 6
One of my all-time fave Disney movies. Guys, if you haven't see this one, do so now! I'm obsessed with Baymax, and seriously wish my kiddos have someone like him. Then, I can sleep better at night:D
image from

2) A Dance With Dragons
It took me a long time to finish this just because I had a lot of other stuff going on, but it's such an amazing book...the whole series actually. Now,  I'm one of the legions of fans waiting for the 6th book to come out.

3) Pixi Boho Bronze eyeshadow
I don't usually wear eyeshadow everyday, but have been wearing this daily since getting it. Awesome quality and colour, y'all!

4) NYX Matte Finish
Great for when you want your makeup to last:)

5) Today is my awesome husband's birthday, so it's is my fave day of the week:) Happy happy birthday, G. ILY

Do share what you're loving lately:)


Shon said…
Thanks for your sweet comments!
Happy Birthday to your Hubs!

Oh my youngest daughter(12) loves Big Hero 6 as her fave too. She loves Tadashi and is so sad at what happened.

That shadow is pretty. I might have to do a faves list soon.
Beauty Follower said…
I am obsessed with MAC's matte lipsticks!!!

Many happy returns on your husband's birthday :)
Unknown said…
Big Hero 6 is my favourite thing at the moment too! Absolutely loved it :)
Josie said…
I have the whole set of GoT waiting to be read! Can't wait to get stuck in! I hope your hubby had a fab birthday x

Josie’s Journal
Adam said…
I hope Martin can finish the last two books in time. Imagine the TV series telling the ending before his books do.
Coco said…
Emmy I love big hero 6 too! It made me laugh and cry and it's so sweeeeeeeet!! Happy bday to your hubby!
Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi
OH I think my little nephew would love Big Hero 5, thanks for that. Of course I love Game of Thrones! <3
Smile Review + Giveaway
Anonymous said…
I so wanna see that movie! I saw the trailer and it cracked me up :-)
Elle Sees said…
i wanna see that movie! and the lego one too! love pixi makeup.
Jane said…
Yangkyu just saw Big Hero 6 and he liked it too! I missed it and kind of zoned out.. maybe I should take his lead though since I always end up liking things he watched :)
Crissy said…
I just saw Big Hero 6 a few days ago.. I love it! I hope they make a second one :D
Unknown said…
I haven't seen Big Hero 6 yet, but I definitely want to! Happy birthday to your husband, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I wish I could find NYX products here because I love them! However, it's hard to find in UK T_T
Happy Birthday to your husband Emmy! I never knew the name of that character. I would see him on social media and say who is that? LOL Now I know! I've got to try Pixi makeup! I've heard lots of great things.
Beauty said…
Nice selections; I love the Big Hero movie too and so do my kids. Have a great weekend.
I love Big Hero 6!! I love Honey Lemon haha she is so cool!

Have a great weekend!
sydni said…
1. i seriously need to watch big hero 6

2. i LOVE that NYX finish!!
Big Hero 6 is so good!
I'm glad you shared that. I've been looking for a good finishing spray!
such a complete post dear
new post:
Oh to Be a Muse said…
OK Big Hero 6 is available to rent and I think the hubs wants to watch it so I'll give it a shot.

Loved GoT, but I feel like it would take me a decade to read all the books. Will have to try that NYX matte finish.
Hena Tayeb said…
you look warm and comfy.
rooth said…
Good for you for getting through the Game of Thrones series - I still can't force myself to do it

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