Ashley from Happy Pretty Sweet blog was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award...woot! :) Thanks, Ashley!
There are a few things I'm supposed to do, but I thought I'd do the 11 questions Ashley did for the person who nominated her coz they're just a hoot:)

1) Who is your favorite singer or band and why?
Taylor Swift (1989 is a fave coz I can listen to it with the kids without having to worry about swearing), Neutral Milk Hotel (The album In The Aeroplane over the Sea..nuff said)

2) If you were a cup of coffee, what would your name be?
Dark Roast 

3) What is you favorite make-up item? foundation

4) What does your ‘go to’ outfit consist of?
tattered jeans and plain shirt

5) What advice would you give your younger self?
Life is too short. Stop worrying.

6) Where is your favorite place to be?

7) What is your favorite dessert?

8) What is your favorite thing to blog about?
outings in and around the city

9) If you were on a deserted island, what 3 items would you want with you?
knitting needles and endless supply of yarn (I'm counting this as one item), swiss army knife, big box of waterproof matches (What can I say? Practicality rules:D)

10) What is the best gift you have ever given?
socks I knitted

11) What advice would you give to fellow new bloggers?

Be true to your self. Blog about what you love, not what you think would get the most number of followers.

I'm supposed to tag people, share 11 facts about myself and do 11 questions posted by the person who nominated you, but this is all I'm doing coz I iz layzeeeeee! But seriously...I'm nominating everyone who reads this post! I'm nosy so I like to know random stuff about people. Just do the same 11 questions:)


Anonymous said…
Dark Roast! Such a good choice :-) Although I'm sure there'd be some cream or sugar in there. Or maybe caramel. You're so sweet. Sweet and fiesty!
Imke said…
Oh this is so nice to read! :) Great post! And I loooooove tiramisu too! Once, after an amazing night out with my Italian friend, we had loads of tiramisu for breakfast - heaven!

XO Imke // www.pastellics.com
Aww I love your music choice regard the concern about the kids! This is very good you know!
Love your answers! Bookstores are wonderful places, and tiramisu is so good :)
Beauty Follower said…
5... you are so right
7... yummy!

Swati said…
loved to read these...

It is so important to blog about what you truly love! Then it's not a chore. Can we be on the same island? Because I love what you love!
Yay for bookstores and Tiramisu! Now I want to eat tiramisu in a bookstore :-) And I just added Neutral Milk Hotel to my spotify playlist, so I can listen at work tomorrow.
Adam said…
9) If you were on a deserted island, what 3 items would you want with you?

Mine would be: a saddle, stick with an Olympic gold medal attached to it, and Michael Phelps.

I would be home by dinner.
Vision By Mila said…
Now I'm trying to figure out what my coffee name would be..
Congrats on the award lovely! You're one of my fave bloggers because you are so real and authentic. No smoke and mirrors. I love your style and I love that you love tiramisu too. I make a killer one BTW. Should you ever be down my way FYI...

Elle Sees said…
you love NMH too? did we just become bffs???
I love your blog advice and advice to your younger self :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Unknown said…
Love this post...I really enjoyed reading your answers!

Imogen said…
Yay Taylor Swift all the way! I love how you'd take knitting needles to the island.
Tiramisu and Neutral Milk Hotel. Let's be BFFs
Josie said…
I love reading posts like these! Number 5 is very good advice too I think x

Josie’s Journal
rooth said…
We definitely have the same go to outfits
Jane said…
Knitting needles and yarn totally count as one item! And I love how you are so detailed about the matches! Definitely waterproof! :)
Miu said…
I love reading Q&A! I'm just too curious :D

I messed around with my RSS-Feed when I remodeled my blog and didn't notice it immediately :/ But I'm glad it seems to work again :)

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