Some Thursday Inspiration

all images from


June said…
Nice and comfy! Happy thursday Em!
Unknown said…
Love their comfy airports looks!
Vision By Mila said…
I hate all these cool people! hehe
I think through you I'm gonna like these sisters more and more. For once I have something similar-ish, my black "biker" jacket arrived, too bad the weather is still not allowing me to wear it, but I'm hoping for better weather in Romania, I go at the end of the month.
Beauty Follower said…
Nice hat...
the sweater in the last photo is simply gorgeous!
Adam said…
I finally got Game of Thrones season 1 on Bluray (originally got it through netflix) and now my brother and his wife will be able to watch it. Hopefully they'll be fans too
Hehe somehow the Olsen twins always make it into these posts of yours :) The first look is pretty cool!

Rowena @ rolala loves
I love that they can make even the frumpiest clothes look chic!
I love those leather jackets!
Anonymous said…
Those BOOTS! <3
Indeed, those boots! Have a great weekend :-)
Imke said…
Love the Olsen twins! Amazing inspiration!
I hope you have an amazing weekend ahead of you!

XO Imke
Great post!!follow me on gfc and i follow you back!now i follow you on instagram,bloglovin,tweeter and google + ,i hope you follow me back!!!kiss
Unknown said…
Beautiful inspirations! I love the sweater in the last is definitely stylish!
Enara Girl said…
The first pictures I like more than the last one, but it is a great inspiration anyway. xoxo
I reeeally like that last look
Jules said…
Really nice inspo! Love those comfy chic outfits.

Jules x
Elle Sees said…
i always love your olsen inspiration pics!

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