Toronto Knitter's Frolic 2015

Just an awesome day on April 25th, guys, when the annual frolic occurred at the Japanese Cultural Centre. A heaven for knitters like me! :D
line up at the doors

And, of course, I'm wearing a pullover I knitted, coz that's how I roll....

This pretty much sums up how I feel about the Knitter's Frolic :D

How was your weekend, guys?


Elle Sees said…
i bet it was paradise!! how fun for you!
This event must be bliss for avid knitters like you Emmy :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Josie said…
How could you not wear your own knit to a place like this? I bet you just wanted to buy everything! x

Josie’s Journal
Curious about the goodies you snatched up over at knitters paradise! I assume you treat yourself to some nice things :-)
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, this looks ace! Right up my street :)
Looks like you had lots of fun xox
LV said…
It looks like fun! I know you had a great time
Hena Tayeb said…
i love that fact that it's called a knitters frolic!
we had friends over for a bbq.. still wasn't as warm as we had hoped for and ended up moving the eating part of the party indoors but still lots of fun
Adam said…
You looks happier than Daisy when she gets a steak dinner. And that's saying something.
Anonymous said…
I didn't even know there was such a thing as a knitting convention, hee hee, cool!
Imke said…
This seems really awesome indeed!

Jane said…
So awesome. There is a fiber and yarn festival near where I live - one in Maryland and the other in Virginia. I think the one in Virginia happens later on in the year but the one in Maryland is happening soon and I will unfortunately miss it since I have doggy guests. Hopefully the VA one I'll be able to go! I'll totally look like a newb but I guess I need to start somewhere! :D
whoa! so many people! The weather looks so nice over there, here it is still raining and cold T_T
Unknown said…
Great post! Stunning pics!
Have a nice evening!
Natallia Jolliet
Swati said…
this looks fun.....
I'm sure you were in knitting heaven. :) Love your top that you made.
Comfort & Clarks
Boris Estebitan said…
Lindo que la hayas pasado bien, saludos.
June said…
I can tell what a great time you had from that giant grin on you face :)
Beauty said…
That was such a long line at the door. I can tell it was a fun event. Your outfit for the day was very suitable for the occassion and cute.
Lovely color combo.
There's nothing like being in your element Emmy! LOVE your sweater! You did a great job with it and I love the color.
Imke said…
Thanks for your visit babe!
Happy Wednesday!

XO Imke //
it seems you had a good time!
new post:
Awww! You do look so happy! I had no idea there were knitting conventions lol! It's crazy to see all this and I kinda love it. It feels like such a crazy crowd too. Like guys know how to par-tay! ;o)

Unknown said…
Stunning post!
Have a nice day!
Angela Donava
Miu said…
I love that you were wearing your own knitted pullover! Showing everyone why you're there ;)

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