Comeback kid

I swear....fall is back, you guys! Been cool and windy here again...sigh....
Daniel leather jacket, shirt from Urban Outfitters, jeans from Target, Vans sneakers

Hope it's lovely where you are...and send some of that nice weather over then!


Beauty Follower said…
Well the weather is general good in Athens (18 to 27oC) but yesterday it was raining!
It's been a little cooler in NYC lately as well but honestly I don't mind cause I don't need to be boiling in May ;p

Rowena @ rolala loves
It's like autumn here too, so unfortunately I am not able to send over nice weather. But I will try to get some your way once it gets more sunny!
Adam said…
nice outfit

it's been super hot down here. The sun melted the glue on my rearview mirror so I had the fun of putting it back up this morning.
Unknown said…
Fabulous look!
Have a great day!
Natallia Jolliet
I was wondering what was going on. LOL I wish I could bottle up this hotness we're having AND YOU COULD KEEP IT! LOL
Cute jacket! Hope the warm weather finds you soon :)
Koka said…
Amazing look!
Come to my blog!
Koka Blog
Beauty said…
Lovely combination; I just like that brown leather jacket paired with the red tee. The weather has been some roller coaster of some sorts over here in Minnesota. It was cold for the last couple of days but gradually starting to warm up now. Enjoy your weekend.
Imogen said…
This look is fabulous on you.
Anonymous said…
Yup, same here, windy and chilly, ugh! You're gonna catch a cold in that distressed shirt, Emmy ;-)
We had a nice cool spell here but it could only be felt at night. So sweating like crazy by day and bundled up by night. Our AC was so confused.
rooth said…
It hasn't stopped raining in weeks! Trade you for some sunshine
Josie said…
Same, just when we thought summer was arriving! Love the jeans x

Josie’s Journal
Coco said…
Amazing look darling! Love the t-shirt so much!!
Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi
Jane said…
eep! hope it's all warm again! i think there was a temperature drop where i was for a few days too!
Miu said…
I'm sending some sun over, before it starts to rain again ;)

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