Moccasin love

These are just so comfy, you guys:)

super old tank top, RW&Co skirt, House of Harlow shoes
Don't you just love how we never put of snow shovel away? Bwahaha!


Unknown said…
Comfy and cute - you can't get better than that!
Jane said…
lol! they can serve as outdoor decorations! and i love mocs too! love how yours folds over!
Adam said…
nice new shoes

also you never know when you might need the shovel, Winter is Coming
Pretty moccasins! And, you never know when you'll need a snow shovel :)
They do look comfy and fun too :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Vision By Mila said…
hahaha, we just put the shovel away these days :)) i love your shoes, and your hair shorter (yes, i know it's just the front)
Maja K said…
And cute too :) xx Maja
Josie said…
Those shoes are so cool! And you can never be too prepared for snow ;) x

Josie’s Journal
Vision By Mila said…
Yes, he's army crawling mostly, but started to "normally" crawl a bit these past few days, so I better start vacuuming the house properly! :D
Elle Sees said…
you are so talented that i bet you could make those moccasins yourself!
h said…
Such lovely beading! My own moccasins are on their last legs...
You look SO CUTE Emmy! I love your top and skirt. Those moccasins are VERY PRETTY! I love the design on them. Snow is just around the corner the way this year is flying by! LOL
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh, I love those moccasins...they are so cute!
LV said…
Those moccasins are so cute!
rooth said…
Oh those shoes really are too cool!
Beauty Follower said…
A ha ha you never know... how the weather changes!

Love the fact you can wear moccasins all the time of the year and still feels comfy!
Anonymous said…
Looking all cute and Pocahontassy, girl! Love your hair like this.
Kashaya said…
Oh they look so cute and comfy.=)
Miu said…
Omg, I think I wouldn't have noticed the snow shovel if you hadn't mentioned it, because I was only looking at you :D

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