Obsession #35

These bags....one of each, please!

1) Saint Laurent fringed bag

2) Topshop tassel bag


3) And because the Pan Am Games are starting today and right here in Toronto, this Roots bag is very appropriate:)

What is your current obsession?


Beauty said…
They are all so cute but the Topshop one is my favorite.
Elle Sees said…
i;ve been on a huge tassel and poms kick...so ithink of the tassels as kinda like baby fringe!
Yes ... FRINGE! I want that first bag. Love fringe so much. <3 xx
Melodies & Inspiration
Jane said…
i actually have been really into fringe bags and have been browsing around looking at some :)
Oh to Be a Muse said…
The brown fringe bag is very pretty in that second photo. It's great for summer, too!

I understand your obsession with the YSL bag!
That YSL bag! Mine current obsession is with staying cool :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Unknown said…
Yes definitely to all these bags! I've been loving the fringe trend!

Aimee Bustillo said…
All of the bags looks great, my favorite is the first one <3

Capturing Life Memoirs | http://aimeebustillo.blogspot.com
Adam said…
You know mine, GoT. Even though all the current seasons are over, I just can't stop thinking about it.

I'm watching Merlin right now, there's a few GoT actors in it. Like the actors for Gendry, Tywin Lannister, Robb's uncle that goes by Blackfish and the one I just finished has Davos Seaworth.
Vision By Mila said…
oooo.. nr. 3 me likes!
Imogen said…
I love fringe bags, I've wanted one for ages.
Anonymous said…
Not a fan of the really long fringes. But that last bag is nice.
That Saint Laurent bag is absolutely GORGEOUS!
The Saint Laurent fringed bag is so fabulous!
Coco said…
The first one is especially amazing! Gotta get a fringed suede bag during sales!
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
The first one *_*

The Cutielicious
Oh yeah, I'll have that Saint Laurent please. One in black and another in brown as pictured thank you.


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