Stuck together (and stuff)

Guys, I think I may have created a monster with my daughter. She feels like she has to be in every picture I take, so as soon as she sees me with the camera, off she goes with me. She doesn't necessarily want to pose all the time, but she just wants to be in the shot...sigh....
Silence and Noise jacket and BDG jeans from Urban Outfitters, H&M shirt, Converse sneakers

Crafting-wise, I just had my first sewing lesson a couple of days ago with a great lady who is not only knowledgeable but also very patient. :D
My teacher showing me how to work this industrial sewing machine
Guys, Juki machines are just amazeballz!

I did a collar for the first time!
I can't wait for the next one:) The great thing is that I can just book an appointment at her shop when I have the time, so it's not a rigid schedule (which is what I need).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Aimee of Capturing Life Memoirs for nominating me for the Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award. She's such a sweetie, and I always love seeing her outfits:) Here are the questions she asked for those she nominated:

1. What or who made you started blogging?
Can't even remember...I remember just reading a lot of fashion and beauty blogs, and I just thought, why not?

2. What is your goal as a blogger?
Just to keep doing it as long as I can

3. What inspires you to keep blogging?
All the other bloggers I read:)

4. Who takes your pictures?
No one....I have a small tripod, and just set the camera on a timer.

5. What is your distinction from every other blogs out there?
I pretty much blog about anything and everything under the sun. I honestly don't think I stand out, but I think every blogger has a voice of her/his own.

6. What do you do besides blogging?
You mean as a hobby? I'm usually knitting or reading, and now, sewing:) I also play the ukulele and paint once in awhile.

7. What quote best describes your blog?
Carpe diem.:)

8. How many hours do you spend on blogging?
Not much, honestly. I spend more time commenting on other blogs than actually writing my own.

9. What are the perks of being a blogger?
Meeting all the other awesome bloggers all over, for sure!

10. Where do you get your inspiration for your blog?
Everywhere (ie. movies, magazines, books, trips I've taken)

Thanks again, Aimee!


Josie said…
Haha you have a mini fashion blogger on your hands! That's great you've found a great teacher for sewing, I'm lucky my mum knows so she's going to teach me :-) x

Josie | Sick Chick Chic
Unknown said…
Awesome!!! :) Your daughter is so sweet :) That's awesome that you sew!
Aww, she just want to be near her mum, haha. She's so adorable. Loved reading your answers here Emmy. Have a great day. x/Madison
Valerie said…
That is cute that she wants to be in every sweet! Also love your outfit...that jacket is so pretty! Congrats on the nomination...I really enjoyed reading your answers!
Aw, sweet pictures and sewing lessons sound fun! I'm mostly self-taught, but I'd like to take a class sometime :)
Linda said…
Awwww....lovely photos. :)
Anonymous said…
Your daughter is the cutest, hehe :-) Fun little Q&A!
stapeliad said…
there are worse things than being constantly photobombed by your daughter! mine does the same thing. :)

I do not sew. it is on my List of Things I Refuse to Do, in the same category as Algebra.

I am glad other people like to do it, though.
Pinkoolaid said…
ahaha so cute :) I'd love to learn how to sew also! that is so cool :)
I think it's awesome she wants to be in the pictures. So cute. You did an awesome job with that collar Emmy! Loved your responses to the Sisterhood questions.
It's quite sweet that your daughter wants to be in your photos! I bet this is something you both will look back upon fondly when she gets older too :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Beauty said…
It's so funny what you said about your daughter Emmy and she really looks cute in all the pictures. My daughters do the same thing sometimes too..:-). Nice to read all this fun stuff about you too and Congratulations on the nomination.
Also, your blog stands out to me too; "you are the very cool mom with such lovely hair and amazing knitting skills."
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Loved the little interview at the end. I also get my inspiration from all over the place (definitely from other bloggers). I like your blog so much because you are always Emmy. Never trying to be anyone else but yourself!
Adam said…
I recently got a tripod but never really used it. I just always wanted to have one if I ever needed it
Coco said…
Ahaha Emmy she's so cute! You are two dolls! Happy weekend babes! Baci,
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
hajducica said…
Great work! Love that cool black jacket! Your baby is so cute! Nice pink boots :)
Have a fantastic weekend :*
June said…
Sweet answers Em! And I think its so cute that she wants to be in all the pics!! We love seeing her anyway!! Love her pink boots!
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog
Unknown said…
Awesome looks!
Have a nice evening!
Photographer Gil Zetbase
Vision By Mila said…
Ah, the cute little one, I don't mind if she's around! I'm hoping, HOPING that in the next 2 weeks after my mom comes, I'll have a bit more time for photos, maybe even a couple of me.. haha.. I never have time to properly set the camera, etc, etc. On another note, today I need to take the sewing machine out and shorten some Ikea kitchen curtains, I really wonder if I can even set the machine up & running!
Elle Sees said…
hehe she's so cute! loved reading your answers. i have a sewing machine just sitting there in the box. one day i will tackle it.
rooth said…
She may have a major case of FOMO, which is maybe not something you grow out of (living proof)
Jane said…
Amazing sewing machine! and so great that you are taking classes! congrats on your first collar!

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