What is dead may never die....

This one's for all my Game of Thrones peeps.
GoT shirt from Hot Topic, jeans from Urban Outfitters, Vans slip ons

(I know we all expected that last scene from Episode 2, but man....I still got the goosies!)


Unknown said…
The last episode was sooo good! Like you said, we saw it coming but still! When the Red Woman was giving him the wipe down I was a bit bummed he didn't come back to life. But when they zoomed back in on him at the end, I knew it was coming lol. Anyways, love your mother of dragons shirt :D

Vanessa said…
Love the shirt but the jeans are amazing too! Both look great on you :)
My husband said all along that he was alive no matter how much HBO tried to troll us. Cool shirt and bottoms too!
I hear you on the DOTS withdrawal. I had it at first but I'm ok now since we've moved on to watching Signal which is good in a totally different way. I know what you mean about Laneige products. I would spend all my $ on the line if it meant my skin could look like SHK's XD Btw you should check out my SJk post from last week again when you get a chance because I added a video to it ^_~
I haven't watched Game of Thrones yet. I'm so behind!
I still have to catch up from LAST season! LOL So I skipped through your post Emmy. LOL I'm loving your tshirt.
Fashionably Idu said…
Oops, I dont watch that but i do love your very cool T and pants. TGIF Emmy.

Adam said…
"7 gods, drowned gods, tree goods, it's all the same" -Davos Seaworth I liked when he said that.

Also did you realize that because will most likely will learn that R+L=J that the episode Oathbreaker actually comes on....MOTHERS DAY
You are so pretty darling
Have a good weekend
To me new post

Coco said…
I love your pants Emmy, you look gorgeous! Have a great weekend babe!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I am so excited for Sunday's episode now that he's back! He's been my fave character since episode one when he thought he wasn't going to get a direwolf and then he ended up with the runt who turned out to be Ghost -- a total badass. We knew it was coming, but that doesn't make me love it any less.

And your Mother of Dragons shirt is fab. You're raising fighters! :)
Unknown said…
You look so cool and loved those pants!! :)
nerline said…
These are the coolest pants ever! You look gorgeous as always!
Meh, I don't watch the show but those are some stellar pants you got there!
Vision By Mila said…
I'm wondering if to do something "crazy" to my hair this summer.. a lavender shade tempts me, but maybe just the ends.. not sure.. and also a tiny tattoo tempts me.. what's wrong with me.. :))

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