
A lof milestones this weekend, so I thought I'd skip my usual tattered jeans and shirt and wear something slightly more dressed up. Considering how much I love this blazer, I really should wear it more often.

Topshop blazer, JET by John Eshaya tunic, no-name legging, Vans slip ons

My daughter had her First Confession (we're Catholics) over the weekend, and also celebrated her 7th birthday, which is a pretty big deal in our culture. 7, guys! 7!!!! Where did the time go? Huhuhu....

Anyhoo, how was your weekend?


Elle Sees said…
7!!!!! OMG!! I swear she was just 2 like 5 minutes ago. Seriously! Cannot believe she's 7! Happy bday to her!
LL Cool Joe said…
Yep they grow up fast! My older daughter would love the Minion themed party! And she's 22. :D

And no photo of you doing the peace sign!! :D
rooth said…
Her birthday cake is the CUTEST
Sharon said…
Wow 7! I remember when you blogged about her when she was still really tiny! Happy birthday to her! :) That Minion themed party is adorable, I'd love to have that myself and I turned 23 earlier this month haha
They do grow up fast, eh? And happy belated birthday to your little one, she's beautiful and you don't look old enough to have a 7 year old kid, let alone 3! LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Emmy, she is the cutest! Happy Birthday to her and I LOVE her minion cake & balloons! Too cute. I remember my first communion! Special moment indeed! I'm catholic as well.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I can't believe your little girl is already 7! And yes to this cute tunic on you.
Happy birthday and happy first confession to your little one. She is just becoming a little lady in front of all our eyes! That minion cake is too cute!
Imogen said…
The blazer looks amazing on you. Your hair colour is super perfect.
Coco said…
Oh happy birthday pretty girl! My daughter is 7 too, and she will do her first confession in Spring :-) you should definitely wear your blazer more often! Much love darling Emmy!
Adam said…
looks like a super birthday
Look like a well spent birthday, congrats! And, I noticed a plate of sushi, now I fancy having some myself :-)
Happy birthday & happy first confession to your sweet girl! A fun-filled weekend for sure!! That cake is the cutest!!
It's amazing how fast children grow up. I feel like she was just three or four a bit ago. The blazer is a great piece to keep Emmy. Have a lovely rest of the week. x/Madison
Two wonderful things to celebrate! Loving your blazer :)
Miu said…
You're looking so pretty! :) And congratulations to all of your daughter's milestones :)
yuu said…
Aww, happy birthday to your daughter :) and i so love your hair.
Josie said…
Happy belated birthday to your little one! I hope she had a fabulous time on her special day x

Sick Chick Chic
Vision By Mila said…
Happy Birthday!!! Lukas turned 2 today! :)

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