That means it's meant to be.

I found this coat at our local Topshop. 70% off; it's the last one on the rack; it's my size. What's a girl to do? Right? Right?!?!

I was also shopping with the kids, who are the worst enablers....yah....yah....that's my story and I'm sticking to it....

Topshop slouchy coat and top, pants from Urban Outfitters, Vans slip ons

I like how you can dress up/dress down this coat.

Any new purchases lately, guys?


Elle Sees said…
You had to have it! What a deal!
rooth said…
Crop top in that cold weather? You're brave!
Beauty Follower said…
Nice colour!
Beauty said…
I love Topshop and I wish they have a store in my neighborhood. The coat was a great find. You look comfy and chic!
Yes that definitely means this coat was fated to be yours ;p Fab buy Emmy!
So glad to hear City Hall was winner for you. You probably needed that after Blood was such a letdown. you should've just stopped watching it and moved on. There are so many dramas I've dropped because of I couldn't get into them or whatever. Now you're making me want to rewatch it. I don't recall that much but I do remember the ending was daebak and I would love it if KSA and CSW were to work together again :)
What a beautiful coat! You can't say no to 70% off :)
Well that coat was just meant to be Emmy. And I noticed the comment above that you loved City Hall. I too loved that show! So funny but so many moments where I felt sorry for her, but in the end it was very much empowering too

LL Cool Joe said…
Oh boy I'm always buying new clothes, my problem is I have no room for them all. Like you though I always look for items in the sale. I love a bargain! Nice coat.
Mica said…
Oh yes that was definitely meant to be! What an awesome coat, it looks perfect on you! Always nice when shopping trips end like that!

Hope you have an awesome weekend ahead :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Girllll, that is what I call fate! LOL! How's the weather on your side, Emmy? We are currently in 2 inches of snow which is so unusual for my side of Vancouver Island. :-(

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Coco said…
It was definitely meant to be yours! I love it!
Vanessa said…
Woah but that's a gorgeous coat! I'd be in trouble if we had top shop here!
When a coat you love that is 70% off speaks to you ... I say, "yes, yes, yes!" This was a winner and what a great bargain, Emmy! :)
nerline said…
70% off is such a steal. I love it. And it has pockets, yay! You look beautiful in it. And I love the hair color, and your story too. LOL!
Anonymous said…
That coat looks SO comfy.
Josie said…
The coat was definitely fate - love it! x

Sick Chick Chic
Fashionably Idu said…
I have to confess I went overboard with shopping this week. My excuse is I had a very very busy week and had to pacify myself, Ha! Lovely coat. What a steal at 70% off. It looks great on you. It was meant to be yours for real.
Imogen said…
Looks amazing on you. You were definitely meant to get it.
Unknown said…
Fantastic style!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
Emmy, I'm glad you got it, because it looks fabulous on you. You will be able to pair it with so many things.
Coco said…
Hope you had a great weekend babe
Unknown said…
Love this coat! What a great find :)
Vision By Mila said…
I like the coat, the color too. I've finally bought mine, a warm winter one from Only. And hi my dear friend, I am still alive! :*
Miu said…
My last purchase were knee socks with snoopy - and one day later I got Christmas socks for St. Nicholas' Day ;)

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