It's on like Donkey Kong

I've had this vest for ages, but never really get the chance to wear it much. When I KonMari'd my closet, this was actually one of the things I was so confused about whether it sparked joy or not. In the end I ended up keeping it.  I'm glad I did keep it because it's such a great layering piece. Now that the colder weather is upon us, the time to start dressing up like the Michelin man is back on again, baby!
Gap vest, Saks 5th Ave turtleneck, BDG jeans, Timberland booties, old hat I knitted


Beauty said…
Beautiful outfit; great pop of color with the timberland booties
Yes I definitely also had a few items that I wasn't sure about whether they sparked joy or not when I KonMari'd my closet. Good thing you decided to keep this vest since it works so well with this outfit :)
LL Cool Joe said…
I'm a great fan of the layered look in the winter. I tend to wear hoodies and a gilet. I really like the jeans and boots.
I am glad you kept it, too. That vest looks great on you!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Oh I know the feeling. I see a lot of items in my closet that I don't think I'll wear again, and then winter comes and I'm happy I kept them. Although, I'm sure there are a few pieces that I probably should get rid of for not bringing me joy either.
I recently did a good purge of many items in my closets because I realised I wasn't wearing a few pieces, others I wanted. This is a great style on you. I love that you KonMari'd your wardrobe closet, haha ... So many are these days. Love those pants as well, Em. x
Ajla said…

Love your post dear ♥
If you want check out my blog.I write about fashion,beauty and lifestyle.Maybe we can follow each other and be great blogger friends !
That vest is definitely a keeper!
It is an excellent layering piece. So glad you didn't get rid of it. Looks great on you! It's chilly here, so I know its cold there.
Miu said…
I'm so sorry to hear that your week wasn't great either :( I hope you are having good times soon again!

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