Not totally hate

I'm gonna make a confession now, you guys. When I colour my hair, I tend to hate the shade about five seconds later. Out of all the colours I've tried, however, this Hot Hot Pink by Manic Panic is one of my faves (along with Atomic Turquoise). It washes out super fast though, but I guess with colours this bright, that's ok.

A lot of people I meet for the for first time always think I'm a hair stylist. TBH, the pros would probably cringe on how I do my hair, which is why I colour it myself:D

I tend to do a weird gradient on my hair, depending on how the old colour washes off:D

On another note, it's my eldest son's birthday today! Happy Birthday, J. XOXO

 He's a teenager now....huhuhu...time sure flies by. He was about 8 or 9 in the pic below and now, he's taller than I am!

He's been through a lot, being born with a lot of health issues such as cleft lip and palate, but he's never complained despite having had about 5 surgeries (with one more major one in the future) and countless hours of speech therapy. So proud of him:')


rooth said…
Happy birthday to him! Wooo they're growing up so fast (I know I always say that)
Happy Happy Birthday to your son! I'm saddened that he has had to go through so much already. He must have such incredible strength and such a bright future ahead of him :D
Happy birthday to your son! I hope he has a wonderful day...he definitely deserves it. And I LOVE YOUR HAIR. It looks fantastic!!
Unknown said…
Its hard to see yourself in new looks, I love my dreadlocks but I would also love to switch it up. This Hot Hot Pink look great on you! I loved the Atomic Turquoise also. Happy Birthday J
Adam said…
Happy birthday to him
Your hair looks fantastic, and Happy Birthday to your son!
Awww happy birthday to your son. I'm always amazed with the resilience of children who've lived with health issues. Can only imagine the strength he'll surely posses in his adult life.

Bambi said…
Amazing colour :) I love having pink on my hair but I use La Riche Directions toner, I put them for 3-4 hours on my hair and they lasts 6-8 weeks :)
How wonderful and what a strong one! Happy birthday to your son, he is resilient. Now, if more adults would stop complining, they could learn from children, haha. Happy weekend, Emmy. x
LL Cool Joe said…
Damn I missed your older son's birthday. I hope he had a lovely day.

Love the vibrant pink hair.
Emmy, I love the adventures of your hair! You always look great no matter what color it is. Always do you. Happy Birthday to your son! He's amazing. You should feel very proud of him. Hope he had a fabulous day and thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
Chic Therapy said…
Happy birthday to your son. I
Jane said…
Oh Im missed it! Happy birthday!! He sounds like a brave trooper!

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