What have I been watching #5

Some of the stuff I've watched that I loved and highly recommend:D

1) Fullmetal Alchemist (live action movie)
It's almost scary how much I loved this adaptation of the famous animé. Ryosuke Ramada was just so awesome as Ed.
This is on Netflix, guys! Go watch it now:)
image from imdb.com

2) Avengers: Infinity War
I feel like the whole universe has seen this film, but if you haven't yet, GO GO GO! As much as I love DC, the MCU films are just awesome, and the ending....the ENDING!!!!!! GAAAAAAAH!
image from forbes.com

3)The Host
I've seen this a long time ago, but haven't featured it here yet so I thought I'd mention it now. This is a great Korean film that you can watch on Netflix. As a monster movie, this movie has its funny and also heart-wrenching moments.
image from imdb.com

4) Ready Player One
Also saw this awhile back but again another film that deserves a mention. Spielberg knows how to do adventure films, y'all! This is like Goonies for the 21st century.
image from imdb.com

5) The Chase
I was just looking for a film to watch and this came up on my Netflix recs so I thought I'd give it a go. Great cast and great story line.
image from asianwiki.com

What have you seen lately that you've loved?


rooth said…
Time to pull up all those movies on Netflix!
Great list, Emmy. I've been so busy but we are actually finally going to the cinema to watch Avengers: Infinity War. Have a wonderful weekend my friend! <3
We watched Avengers: Infinity War last weekend and it was awesome! The Chase was excellent. If you liked that you would probably like The Chaser as well. It is considered a classic in Korean cinema and was based on a true story. Happy weekend chingu!
LL Cool Joe said…
Well I've watched none of the above! Actually I haven't watched any good films recently. Tell a lie, I did. The Shape of Water, it was good!
Adam said…
As it was originally dubbed Part 1, I can only imagine they lose
Okay, I haven't seen Infinity War yet, but I have read the spoilers and GAHHH. I need to see it. The theaters are just SO packed with people so I keep hoping the crowds will die down before I head out to see it. (Ha. Who am I kidding? It will always be packed. It's like, the biggest movie ever.)
Sharon said…
I watched Infinity War last week and loved it!
Unknown said…
Great selection!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
Infinity War was awesome but that ending...!
Mica said…
Thanks for sharing! Super hero movies aren't my thing but I have heard a lot of talk about the Infinity Wars movie! I can't remember the last movie I watched actually...may have been the 'confessions of a shopaholic' movie when I was sick with the flu at the start of the year, ha! It's so rare to have movie time with such little kids.

Hope that you had a lovely weekend and you're having a good start to your week :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Yea, the ending of Infinity War is so...I don't even have words. Can't wait for part 2. And I liked Ready Player One the movie, but the book was way better. I'm looking for something new to binge.

Fashionably Idu said…
How fun! I'm not really into movies like this . Haven't been to watch anything since Black Panther. Can't wait for summer vacay so I can live a little.

Hena Tayeb said…
We want to go see the Avengers movie.. things have just been so crazy.
We did see Ready Player One.. I think there is something wrong with M and I, we just can't seem to enjoy a movie.. we found RPO predictable.. and a little boring..
We enjoy TV much more than movies nowadays.. -_-

GlamourZONE said…
I feel like we have kinda the same taste in movies, these are all movies that I can watch. Haven't had anytime of late to watch anything.

My Uber driver the other night was raving about the Avenger movie. I’ll have to see it :)

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