For all intents and purposes

I love to knit and sew not only because it gives me the chance to be creative and but it also gives me ability to enhance my wardrobe with one-of-a-kind stuff. Not necessarily the best items, but something hand-made is really not as common now as it was before.
top I sewed using Closet Case Ebony pattern, worn with jeans from Urban Outfitters and Timberland booties

Speaking of sewing, I just finished making my daughter's Halloween costume! YASSSS!



LL Cool Joe said…
Blimey your daughter looks scary! I was expecting some cute pumpkin!

Now go on start raking up those leaves!
rooth said…
Oooo she's looking super spooky!
Haha, I love the Halloween costume that you made for your daughter, definitely scary. You always do an amazing job. I love hand-made pieces, and you inspired me to get back to sewing. <3
Great job on that top and your daughter's Halloween costume chingu! She looks awesomely scary ;p
Adam said…
If your daughter crawls out of my television, I make no promises.
That top is stunning! I think it is amazing that you are able to use your creativity to have a wardrobe that is one of a kind. Something that really expresses who you are. Also, how great is it that you are able to make a special Halloween costume for your daughter? Super scary! :)
Mica said…
Your top is so cute, what a fun print! I love how you can put your skills to use for Halloween too, your daughter looks terrifying!

Hope that you are having a great week :)

Away From The Blue Blog
iamperlita said…
Ughhh you are so talented! I think it is so cool that you made your daughter's costume. That is definitely something she will always remember. I love how cute you look in your outfit with that bright top. <3 Have a lovely week!

-PerlaGiselle |

Say hello and let’s follow each other <3
Those booties looks so comfy! Are you making yourself a matching outfit for Halloween?
Eleine said…
Great pics!

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