Currently Loving #46

Stuff I'm currenly loving:D

1) Bite Beauty lip products
My mom gave me a sample of the lipstick in Chai and lip crayon in Glacé and I'm in love, you guys! I think I found two new Holy Grail products. Such nice texture and I love the colour.

wearing the lipstick over the crayon

 2) TreSemmé Keratin Smooth Colour Smoothing Serum
I thought I'd give this a go when it went on sale at our local drugstore and I honestly think this stuff works just as well as the more expensive ones I used to buy.

3) Makeup remover sheets from the Japanese dollar store
I ran out of my fave makeup remover sheets and wanted to try a new one that's super cheap and easy to find. This surprisingly does a good job and Imma gonna start buying these in bulk now:D

4) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
My sons really love this show and have been telling me to watch this for awhile now. I decided to give this a go when I saw it on Netflix, and it is soooooo good so far, you guys! I've only seen about 8 episodes so I have a long way to go.

Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando are such good characters (even though I really do want Dio to die coz he soooo evilzzzz!)

Update: I'm now on Part 2 with Joseph Joestar.....aaaaaaaah!

What are you loving lately?


rooth said…
I got a new pair of jean shorts and am loving the crap out of them! Happy weekend!
Hello Emmy
I also love the Trésemme also use the seruns of this brand and they are fantastic.

That's a great lippy shade! I love Bite Beauty formulations. They wear well and they're food grade y'know ;p I'm loving Vitabrid sheet masks and a new hair color spray from Eva NYC that gives me pink streaks yay!
This list is awesome! That Bite lipstick is such a pretty shade. It looks great on you! Always nice when you find a makeup item (or two) that immediately become must haves.
Adam said…
I haven't watched Jojo yet.
LL Cool Joe said…
My Granddaughter calls me JoeJoe but it sounds like GoGo. :D

I'm currently loving my new black denim jacket with racer checks on it from Shein. :D
Mica said…
The lip products are lovely on you, what great colours! :)

Hope that you have been having a lovely weekend :)

Away From The Blue
I love the lipstick from Bite Beauty!
FashionRadi said…
I love the brand "bite". Their lip products are my favorite.
stevevhan said…
This would be a cool gift for friends and ladies!
I love that shade on you, it's such an amazing feeling when you find products that look and feel great. I've been loving GOT, still reeling over yesterdays episode. OMG. I don't know what to expect from here on out. I also started watching Touch Your Heart because it has Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na from Goblin. I don't know how I feel about this show. I loved their dynamic in Goblin but this series I'm just not feeling the girly vibes from Yoo In Na. I think I prefer her in more "serious" or "bitchy" roles.


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