
Half of the planet is going through extreme hot weather right now. Here in Toronto, we are averaging about 40℃/104℉ humidex...quite normal down south but for us in Canada, that's hot, you guys! I'm not complaining though as I have said before, our winters are sooooo long.

 It is scary though what is happening to our planet right now, you know? Anyone who says we don't have a climate change caused by environmental damage is a fool.

Anyhoo, right now, all I can really manage to wear aside from shorts and shirts are these dresses I sewed.
old dress I sewed using the Merchant and Mills Bantam pattern (I made three of these:D), J Crew ballet flats

I hope you are all doing well and managing to stay cool (or warm depending on where you are):)


Mica said…
Such a lovely dress - you look great in red! 40 degrees sounds more like our summer, I would not expect that for Canada at all! It's a cold snap again here but we have had a weird winter with it getting almost summer like then right back to cold again!

Hope that your week is off to a good start despite the heat :)

Away From Blue
Adam said…
Nice shade of red.
Oh no! My poor step family from Paris first endured the heat there, they arrived here in NY last night and we having another heat wave but with HUMIDITY and then after a week here they are going to Toronto. I hope it cools down before they get there.

This is dress is so fun, love the color and I like how it matches your hair :)

Allie of
I think we're experiencing the same heatwave chingu! Anyone who denies the existence of climate change is a fool and a #%^&*>! You've got the right idea with that breezy dress and that shade of red looks awesome on you! I've actually been downing hot beverages to cool down. It really works!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
104? That's insane. It's averaging maybe 90-95 here in Atlanta. Also hot, but not crazy hot. And yes, climate change is a problem -- everyone should believe that. Your dress is the perfect look for a 104 degree day.
LL Cool Joe said…
That does look cool.

Well it rained here today in the UK and feels quite cool, but last week we had a few crazy hot days. Unheard of in the UK really, so yeah definitely experiencing climate changes here too.
And we here in Portugal we used to have those temperatures and our summer right now is 28ºC not commune for this season. yes you are right theres a climate change yes!!
And you look lovely and fresh with that dress you sewed.
Sakuranko said…
Oh very cute style, I love it the flats
Evi Erlinda said…
A wonderful red dress :)
Love it.

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