I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.

 Currently watching the movie GI Jane as I write this post, and man...that is such an inspiring and kick-ass movie that I always feel really uplifted and that I can do anything after seeing it.

The title is from DH Lawrence's poem that was featured in the movie:)


I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

Muji sweater, UNIQLO pants, Birkenstocks

Channeling Katniss..bahahaa

It was such a beautiful day when this was taken that we were able to do some gardening!
Is there a movie that always inspires you?

PS To my Canuck friends, Happy Victoria Day!


Mica said…
I haven't seen that movie but I like that poem! And your cosy outfit :) it's good you are able to do some gardening! We got a big bunch of seeds as a gift with purchase style thing last year and we planted them all but with the bushfires a few plants died with the smoke, and then with the floods some of them drowned....ha! I'm not a good gardener but our investment has given us fresh basil to add to dinner a couple times, and a got a handful of kale for my salad last week..I think everything else has died out sadly! We kept some seeds aside, maybe I will have better luck next spring!

Away From Blue
That is SUCH a great movie and I haven't seen it in so long. Now I want to try and watch it! Fingers crossed I can find it to watch. Also, I love that sweater. It is gorgeous. I'm glad you were able to spend some time outdoors and do a little gardening. That must have been nice! I hope you have a fabulous week :)
the creation of beauty is art.
Kinga K. said…
You all look great❤
Such a good one that is! I need to watch something funny soon or a good drama this coming weekend. Thankfully, gardening is one thing that I've actually tackled during this whole quarantine, only because of cooking a lot, lol. Happy Victoria Day, Em! x
rooth said…
She was in such good physical shape for that - I need abs like that :)
I think I saw GI Jane a really long time ago. I don't really remember it much but there has to be a good female empowerment message in there right :) We always find The Replacements to be a feel good movie. My husband has a thing for Keanu films LOL ;p
Hahaha too true, the first world could learn a lot from this. I will have to check out this flick!

Allie of
Adam said…
I haven't seen GI Jane
Cris said…
I will check this movie out sounds amazing I love so many movies but Gone with the Wind has always been a favourite Lovely outfit xoxo Cris

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