What Have I Been Watching #18

 These are the latest shows/movies I've been loving lately:)

All images fros imdb.com

1) The Invisible Man

Funnily enough, this was recommended by our priest who has become a friend. (Unfortunately, he moved to a different parish:( He said I'd probably like it since I love horror films, and he was right! This is more of a suspense than a true horror film, but man....so many good moments, and Elizabeth Moss was super awesome in the lead role.

2) Jojo Rabbit
I've wanted to see this film for awhile and finally had a chance to. Another film I highly recommend. Great writing, and a great cast to boot. (Love love love Sam Rockwell and Scarlett Johansshon, and Archie Yates <the kid who played Yorki> was super adorable).
I honestly think you can't go wrong with anything Taika Waititi does.

3) Lovecraft Country
Worth. All. The. Hype.
Oh sooooo good, you guys! What a great combination of genres. Am currently on Episode 4, and trying hard not to binge-watch, but it's hard!!!

What have you been watching?


LL Cool Joe said…
I watched the 3 part series "Des" about the serial killer Dennis Nilsen, which was excellent.
Ooh I meant to watch The Invisible Man ages ago but somehow it totally slipped my mind. Thank you for the suggestion! I will have to see if I can watch it before Halloween arrives.
the creation of beauty is art.
R's Rue said…
Off to watch these. Thank you
Hena Tayeb said…
I have heard of all of them but haven't watched any.
We just started watching The Umbrella Academy. I was on the fence about it but we are we are really enjoying it. I am also binging on Buffy on the side.
Coincidentally we just watched Jojo Rabbit over the weekend. It was good. Our favorite character was Yorki, he was a riot and adorable. He could totally play a young Nick Frost ;p
I've been reading about all the anti-Asian incidents in Toronto lately and thinking about you and your family chingu >_< Take good care and stay safe <3
Mica said…
They sound like interesting things to watch, although definitely not my kind of thing! light comedies are my go-to although I haven't had much time for watching anything lately :( Aside from family movie nights my netflix to watch queue is being ignored, haha!

Hope your week is off to a good start :)

Away From Blue
ellie said…
Oh, my co-worker tells me about these all the time. He really loves Lovecraft Country. I have been watching a Chinese drama that has an HP Lovecraft feel about it the LOST TOMB series. Such a great productions with lots of top notch Chinese actors in Reunion & Reboot. Lots of adventure with all sorts of monsters. The lead even accidently brings home a zombie.
Caitlin'nMegan said…
Some very interesting watches indeed! I have watched JOJO it did give me a lot to think on.
Kinga K. said…
I like the 2nd ❤
I feel cheated. My priest never gives good film recommendations.
These all sound good. I haven't had much time to watch anything really, but I did like The Invisible Man. Thanks for sharing, Emmy. Hope you are doing okay.
I've been watching Harry Potter to get in the mood for Halloween, but I need to add these to my watch list!

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