New in...first clothing purchase since 2019!

 Hi guys! If you've been reading my blog for awhile, then you know that 2020 was my no-buy year for clothes/shoes and accessories. Was it a success? you can guess from the title of this post, it was! Wut?!?! I literally didn't buy any stuff to wear (except my husband did buy me a beanie but I don't count that coz it's a hat and I didn't buy it...LOLZ)!

(I do know that the lockdown because of COVID made this easier, but still....)

Anyhoo....I am not doing that this year anymore, but I will also not buy as much clothes and such items since I know for sure now that I really don't need new stuff (it's always just a "want", you know?)

I did finally buy two items because I'm a huge Haruki Murakami and Jean-Michel Basquiat fan!

UNIQLO shirts (Murakami UT shirt and Basquiat x WB UT shirt)

1Q84 is one of my fave novels!

Have you bought anything lately?


LL Cool Joe said…
Well done you did really well! I like the new t-shirts. I've decided this year I'm not buying any new t-shirts, I still have tagged ones in my cupboard from last year that I haven't worn, so I really need to have some self control. :D
ellie said…
I try to buy less. Stay out of the store and even sites. Actually, I bought a couple of tunics at CVS (of all places) to wear to work. They are basically dresses. Our director really dictates what we wear at the library. We might as well be nuns. Plenty of my old shirts became masks as well. I used to enjoy thrifting, but I haven't done that this past year either. Awesome t-shirts!
Mica said…
I'm so impressed you made it a year! While I definitely spent less in lockdown on fashion I still did buy things - it will be interesting to see what happens now we are in lockdown again, may finally slow down my spending, this year, haha!

Hope your week is off to a good start! :)

Away From The Blue
I think it is AMAZING that you went a whole year without buying any new clothes. That is a huge accomplishment! I think COVID made me realize how much stuff I actually do have. I've cut back enormously on my spending habits (partly because I don't go out) but buy for 2020?? You are incredible. I love the thoughtful new additions to your wardrobe! They look fabulous!
Such cool tees! Congratulations Emmy! Good for you :) With the pandemic, I cut down on fashion and beauty shopping big time. Our money went to food or home items and we saved so much, we were able to increase our charitable giving which was great. I'm taking that energy right into this year ;D
Lovely said…
It's fantastic how you had a no-buy 2020. These tees are wonderful!

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