Obsession #56

 Guys, I am dying to have these two items....

images from isabelmarant.com

Isabel Marant Leyane boots

Isabel Marant Yenky bag

I would literally never take these shoes off if I ever get them, and that bag....super cute, right?

What have you been wanting lately?


ellie said…
Oh, these are amazing! So lovely. Well, I'm trying not to obsess over much. I think I'm over my bucket hat phase. I have four now and one is water proof..plus I made some which aren't that great and of course, the crocheted ones. I did one that has like a granny square stich on the brim, but it's pretty silly. I have doubts I will finish it. Of course, I wonder if I will get done with some of the dramas I am watching. I can't just binge. I have to watch one from here and there and maybe a couple episodes of one that has caught my interesting..this is in maybe a 3 hour time span. I really don't watch TV that much.

I bet you could make a beautiful book bag. I accidentally made one from some quarter quilt material I had around that a friend gave to me. I started with a pattern of half of a newspaper and boxed the bottom of it. I didn't really have a plan, but it turned out much nicer than I ever expected. I would really like to make a bag in a plastic bag tradition. I have seen a few tutorials on Youtube, but haven't found the courage yet.
I can totally understand why! Those boots are SO cool and would work well with just about any outfit! And I just love the print on that bag. It is beautiful! You have an excellent eye when it comes to fashion and style. You always inspire me :D
the creation of beauty is art.
Mica said…
The bag is fun - such a nice print! :) I adore the boots though I can see why you love them, the colours are fantastic and I think that they would look great on you! :)

Hope you had a great weekend :) We managed to enjoy some time outdoors despite the colder than usual spring weather!

Away From The Blue
Hena Tayeb said…
Those boots are really beautiful.
rooth said…
Those boots have a deceivingly high heel! I've spent ridiculous amounts of money on boots in the past, however they have all withstood the test of time - I think shoes can be an investment ;)
I'm obsessed with Isabel Marant too! I have had a pair of her Crisi ankle boots on my wish list for years. The Leyane boots you're eyeing are fabulous and yes cute bag!
Ooo yes I would love to have each of these too!! You should check out the brand Modern Vice I think you would like their style.

Allie of
I used to be absolutely obsessed with Isabel Marant pieces. Those boots are gorgeous! <3
Terri said…
I have gone through quite a few of obsessions. At the moment, I am trying hard not to have any. But have to admit that I keep going back to a couple of pairs of shoes: a Barbour highland plaid rain boots and some Cariuma trainers. There's always something.

Isabel Marant is a good designer to drool over. I completely understand that one.

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