Go the distance

 Trying to wear this shacket before it gets terribly cold, you guys:) I must say....I can't get enough of it, and it's becoming my most worn item to date.

Calvin Klein oversized shacket, worn with old Old Navy sweater and UNIQLO pants, Nike shoes

Out and about:)

What is one item in your closet you've been wearing a lot lately?


ellie said…
Love the Shacket! Especially, with the blue shoes and that wonderful bright sweater! These days I need leggings under everything. And my heavy navy blue sweater which is practically a coat is also an essential. I like driving in it. Some of my coats are just too heavy to drive in. If it's extremely bad then I layer it..usually with a hoodie. Oh and my world of handmade crocheted hats. I kind of went on a tangent of crocheting Thick & Quick bags this last week. Although, I still don't like the handles.

I did finish WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF COFFEE, and I didn't know it would take a turn at the end because of COVID. Although, I can't tell you if I knew what exactly happened, but then again life is full of ifs. Still, it was a quiet and quaint story and I know I would love meeting all the people in that neighborhood. Definitely, the no drama drama. I feel I appreciate the two male leads acting skills more after watching this.

All the best to staying cozy❤ Thanks so much for the post!
Mica said…
I can see why you love the shaket - it looks so good on you and so warm and cosy! I like the colour with the mustard knit too :) It's a shame when the weather changes and we have to put aside our staples for a bit, but always good to get them back out again when the new season arrives! :)

Hope that your week is off to a great start!

Away From The Blue
It totally makes sense that you are wearing it as much as possible! The shacket is SO stylish and looks like it was made just for you. I absolutely love it. Hopefully you are able to wear it a few more times before the temperatures drop too much. Love that sweater as well!
the creation of beauty is art.
Hena Tayeb said…
Love the shacket.. those colors are so gorg..
rooth said…
That shacket is the BEST. I recently got a "new to me" ski jacket and I can't stop wearing it when it's chilly out
Shon said…
Happy Merry Almost Christmas!! I love shackets and I am on the look out for one. I thought you might have made this one actually. It looks so great on and I'm sure it is so cozy. I have actually been living in these handmade leather slides I got back in June. The weather here in GA has been pretty mild still so I can get away with wearing slides some days.

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