Taste of Danforth 2023

 The Taste of Danforth was an annual street festival here in Toronto until three years ago when COVID happened...and this year, it finally was held again!

My family was able to go, and I thought I'd just share some pics:) We basically just ate our hearts out.

Do you like going to street festivals?


ellie said…
Oh, such sweet photos! I still haven't gone out as much as I used too. I would have loved to gone to the Blues music festival that has been going in Midtown the last couple of weeks of August on the weekend.

Adoring your photos! Such fun times! & your trio are growing up so fast. I hope all is ready for their studies. I am sure they are. So great to see you guys out and about. Love your outfit!

Of course, it's been so humid here and we have had some unexpected rain too. Which is a plus!

Thanks so much for being here.
Hena Tayeb said…
So many great photos. Looks like you had a great time.. and don't even get me started on the food!
Looks like some delicious family fun! There have been some festivals in NYC but we always seem to miss them. With Covid cases going up again, we're being more careful again too. Hope this new week is off to a great start for you chingu <3
So many lovely photos. Glad you were able to enjoy your time.

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