
top from Hot Topic, tank top from Banana Rep, Zara pants, Converse sneakers

These colours are inspiring me for my hair next colours:D


Adam said…
cute blouse

but speaking of Mothman, I used to read those sci-fi "history" books. Mothman used to scare me.
Jane said…
next hair colors! exciting :)
Unknown said…
I love your top. What fun colors.
Moths usually freak me out but these are actually pretty!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Awesome top, I like shirts that a longer in the back :-)
Josie said…
YES, love these colours! You'd so get away with them in your hair x

Josie’s Journal
Awesome top Emmy!!! I love it girl and it looks great on you!
Unknown said…
waiting to see your hair matching with this beautiful top!!!

ciao :)
Chiara ~
follow me on Instagram
Elle Sees said…
hehe i love that hair color influence!
Cool top and jeans! You rock!
Ahh the top is very cute hun! Lovely mix&match with the sneakers!
Vision By Mila said…
You have the coolest shoes always! Blue, yellow and red are Romania's flag colors! :D
Imogen said…
This top is perfect, love it very much. The colours in your hair are amazing.
Unknown said…
pretty look, your shirt is lovely!
Have a great week end!
Anonymous said…
What a cute print :-) And yeeeees, change your hair color again, I'd love to see these colors on your hair :-D
Beauty Follower said…
Hello pretty butterfly!
Miu said…
I really like your shoes!

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