Summer tomfoolery (Picture-heavy)

Just wanna share some shenanigans we've been up to, including our trip back to the Royal Ontario Museum this weekend. Always a hit with the kids:) (previous ROM posts here and here)

We didn't get the chance to see the whole museum because my youngest ended up losing her favourite bracelet and we had to go look for it. Thank God someone found it and gave it to Lost and Found. Yay for nice people and a happy ending to the day:)

Do you go to museums a lot?


Mica said…
Beautiful photos! How nice of that person to find and hand in the bracelet too - I'm glad that story had a happy ending! :)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a good start! :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Hello Emmy
I love going to museums, I like going to all kinds of museums. Your photos are very interesting and from what I see this museum has a lot to see. Too bad your little one lost his bracelet, but someone nice sent it back to the lost and found. You believe that the other day my mother forgot the camera in the mall and someone else gave it back. It's nice to see the kids having fun !!!

Lots of love!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
These photos are so great. Love the use of the grain and the black and white. Obviously, I've been gone for about a month (but I'm back now), so I gotta tell ya that I love the new look of your site, hun.
Hena Tayeb said…
Great pictures..
Gotta love the dinosaurs.
The ROM is going to be stocking it's gift store with one of my prints very soon.. :)

LianaLaurie said…
Amazing post, dear! A big hello from Germany!
Hugs ♥
LL Cool Joe said…
Looks like you had a great time and was a good photo opportunity for you too! I went to the aquarium with my older daughter last time I was in AZ, does that count? I only had a point and shoot camera with me and it was dark and my photos looked crap. Oh well, it was fun any way.
Adam said…
Aren't dinosaurs awesome?
Hey Emmy! Long time no speak! Loving the new look, very cool. I swear your family has the most epic vacations. You guys know how to live! I love museums, didn't get to see many growing up but I try to now I am older.

Looks like you've had a busy and active summer so far! Thanks for sharing!

Wow, really enjoyed these images, Emmy. Your family time always looks like a blast. Museums are my favourite!
I am finally back! Took a much needed holiday. ((Hugs)) xo/M
wonderful photos! Seems like they're having so much fun.
rooth said…
It looks like y'all are having a blast this summer

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