You should really pay attention.

Soooo....when I took these pics, they looked ok to me. Fast forward a few days later when it was time to edit and upload them here, I then noticed that my sweater was partly riding up on the chest area. I thought...should I even bother?

 I'm still posting them here because I really love this sweater:P And honestly, I will never be one of those fashion bloggers who are always well-dressed and put-together. I'm ok with that.

Sweater I knitted (details here), TNA pants, Ugg Australia boots


Mica said…
It's a cute top and I think if you're happy with the photos, share them! I had a blog before my current one and nothing ever felt 'good enough' to post, so I stopped posting! I have the rule now where if I take a photo, I post it! Rumples, wrinkled clothes and all. Real life is never perfect. And you're right, it is a cute top and outfit! :)

Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

Away From The Blue
You did such an amazing job on that sweater chingu! Who cares if it's riding up a little. Let's just say it's perfectly imperfect ;p

I hope your tests have yielded positive outcomes Emmy and may we all be well.
Adam said…
I really like your color in your hair.
FashionRadi said…
I still love the sweater and the way it looks!
Such a cute sweater! I never notice issues in photos until I'm getting ready to post them... :)
Gingi said…
I just gotta say, you look like an adorable anime character in these pictures! lol! <3 -
You looks very nice:):*
That's reality; nothing is perfect. Frankly, I'd rather see outfits like this, often times life is a rumpling effect haha. I love the jumper and you look adorable. Happy Monday, Emmy. xo
Hena Tayeb said…
That is a great sweater.
I prefer the real looking outfits. There are so many bloggers where I see the pictures and I can't believe this is what they wear on a regular basis.. they don't seem like real people with real lives.
rooth said…
That's how clothes look like IRL! Brrr, it looks so chilly up there
That is a cute sweater. I don't understand how anyone can remain polished while taking photos. There are so many variables out there, especially wind and the sun, both which never work in my favor hahahaha!


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